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ClientMatch™ Version 2.0
ClientMatch™, when integrated with InfoRoute’s AddressAbility™ and NamePro™ products on the mainframe, provides a turnkey mainframe conversion solution for converting name and address data to a consistent format.
ClientMatch™ uses the legacy system data to create a first name file and a corporate alias name file. This ensures that the parsing and matching routines work as accurately as possible. ClientMatch™ maintains the client information on an interim client database.
Based on error and warning reports produced, a user may correct the legacy system or update the interim client database using the supplied update programs. Information from the interim client database may be extracted and loaded onto a target system.
Key Features
Parses and validates name and address data using AddressAbility™ and NamePro™ products
Maintains corporate names using a corporate alias name file, which can be updated using online panels
Maintains the interim client database, which can be updated using online panels
Produces reports allowing invalid names and addresses to be reviewed
Extracts the interim client database for loading into the target system
Benefits of Using ClientMatch™
Help identify duplicate clients based on name and address information
Help identify different names at the same address
Validated name and address information provides more accurate input to marketing functions
Simplify processes that require conversion between variable free format data and fixed format fields
Flexible methods for extracting the interim client database and loading the target system
Streamline the conversion process with simple user interfaces, easy to follow steps, audit reports and detail reports
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